Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Oh Lordy...Look who's 40!

This past weekend was my daughter Stephanie's 22nd birthday and my boyfriend Rob's *cough* 40th *cough* birthday. :D A few of you have asked me to share the details of this past weekends events so here I am spillin' the scoopage! lol

Thusday night, April 1st, my parents came over and brought over a birthday cake for Stephanie and Rob. We decided it was best not to load it with a bunch of candles because the potential risk of burning down my house would be really high! Eek! LOL! ...I had given Stephanie her birthday gift earlier that day and I also took her out to lunch at Gustav's, a German restaurant, where we ate some yummy fondue and sandwiches. Mmm!

The next night, Friday April 2nd, Rob came over and my parents and I took him out for a yummy prime rib dinner. We had a really great time laughing and talking and then Rob and I somehow found our way home and in the middle of a birthday cake fight with the leftover birthday cake from the night before...eek! What a fun mess that was, though! LOL Too bad he MADE ME call a truce so the 1 hour plus fight could finally come to an end. *meanie!* ;) Holy cow there was cake EVERYWHERE!! LOL ...but so much fun...AND he even got out the vacuum and vacuumed up the mess for me afterwards. I was in shock...like this ---> :O

A couple of you have been curious as to what I got Rob for his birthday, though, so I have posted this picture of the Cookie Bouquet I got for him. *teehee* Why go with a regular birthday gift when I can say it with "Over the Hill" cookies, right? LOL I hope he liked them cuz they sure looked yummy sitting on my table staring me down as we played Nertz! :)

~*Stampily Yours*~
~Shannon! :)~