Saturday, January 10, 2009

Around the block a time or 2, or 3?

An update for:
Friday, January 10th, 2009

Dear Blog Journal,
Today's workout was a hard one for me. Right off the bat I felt like I started out pretty poorly. I ended up with a side cramp just from jumproping during my warm-up! LOL I had to modify my warm-up right off the bat so that I could try to get my cramp to cease...which it eventually did. :) Or so I thought. :(

Next we moved into the skill portion of the workout...and again I was fine until I needed to run the 450m block (3x!). My side and my shoulder cramped up after the first go around and I was miserable again! I guess I just run to tensely or something and I know that I don't breathe properly either. So my skill portion got modified and the running was removed. Thank goodness! LOL

I did manage to do the rest of the workout with little modification and a lot of frustration...but the good news is that I made huge improvements when it came to doing the Heavy Med Ball Cleans! I've always done that at a low weight but I really pushed myself today and cleaned 30 lbs instead of 12 or 16! So at least I could get happy about something when it came to my workout. I'm definitely getting stronger! And I think that my push-ups are looking better, too. At least I hope so!

Here is what we did for the Workout:
Skill: (6 rounds)
Workout was: (3 rounds)
My food intake:
Breakfast: 1/4 cup Oatmeal with 1 pk. Kashi hot cereal w/ 1 scoop Glutamine & 3/4 scoop Max Pro Vanilla, 1 oz Max Ultra 100 Vitamins
Lunch: Subway Turkey Sandwich on Wheat
Other: 4 oz MonaVie
Snack: 1 slice homemade Jalapeno Bread
Dinner: Chili from Wendys, crackers
Snack: 100 Calorie snack
Water intake: 24 oz or so :(

Determined to look fine in 2009 -
~Shannon ;)~
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